Sunday, 5 June 2016

Ask yourself ' how healthy am i '.

‘How healthy am I’. In this the word ‘I’ it includes your physical , psychological , emotional and spiritual. Life is to be lead happily and healthily. If you are not a ‘healthy’ how can you become complete person. How can you make others ‘conscious’ if you are in un-conscious status.

In my opinion health is the combination of physical , psychological , emotional and spiritual.

1) Physical: Whatever you want to achieve or experience the physical body is essential and it should be healthy.

“Shariramadyam khalu dharma sadhanam”[This body is surely the foremost instrument of doing (good)deeds].

According to ‘Ayurveda’ we should balance ‘Tridosha’(Vata , Pitta and Kapha) i.e Catabolic , Metabolic and Anabolic systems.

2) Mentally alert: It includes ‘awareness’ of yourself and the rest of the world. Always avoid negative thinking.To get positive thinking do meditation.

3) Intellectually sharp: Intellectuality associated with reason and thinking.
 If you have intelligence you can able to overcome your own problems. You can provide solutions to others issues also. To get Intellectuality  (a) Think (b) Read (c) Understand.

4) Emotionally balanced: Allow yourself to experience whatever comes up in your life.Never react to the situations but ‘respond’. Never overwhelmed to the results .Remember we can’t change the incidents but we can choose to ‘respond’  positively.

5) Spiritually elevated: Spiritually healthy people live with hope .Even in difficulties you will never lose confidence .You will think and act positively.

Spirituality includes your endeavours and HIS kind grace. To get initiation in spirituality ‘surrender’ yourself to the supreme power. HE will take care of you.

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