Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Make your Life alive

Balancing on Life

We may have so many doubts , confusions and difficulties.To get rid of all these we will use all resources .If we stuck at any stage we feel un happy.Few un resolved issues gives us frustrations.

Lacking of something or having of too much brings unhappy.As there is a saying 'Ati Sarvatra varjayet'.It reads One should refrain from 'too much' of anything.

Have these qualities in Life this makes you 'balanced'(happier) person.

1) Firmness :In achieving goals it will help.
2) Forgiveness :Lets go of negative emotions.
3) Self-control:Ballencing of everything.
4) To be honest:For atleast to ourseves.
5) Purity:Goodness in thought and behaviour.
6) Control over the senses:Difficult but can achieve with practice.
7) Intellect:About what we are doing.
8) Knowledge:It's continuous process.
9)Truth:The quality of being truth.
10) Absence of anger:It gives you peace.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Power of sub-conscious mind

Life always influenced on our social , cultural , economical and personal beliefs.We always try to ballance all these.we are on the way to reach our goals and wants.Now and then we come across difficulties , un expected sorrows and failures.We have to face it with confidence and lots of hope.Self help is best help.

We can get possitive thinking from our subconscious mind.If we give it to possitive commands it will help us to get solutions to our problems.

Subconscious mind is so powerful it can make you successful.But it needs to have possitive feelings.

These are the few simple commands that we should give it to our subcinscious mind oftenly.
1) I can do this
2) I will succeed
3) I am a Lucky person
4) I am becoming much healthy
5) I deserve for this
6)This issue will turn to my favour
7) I am so happy now

We should fill with this kind of possitive commands it will work like 'Mantras'.
 There is a saying in Sanskrit 'Yad bhavam Tad bhavathi'.It reads 'As you think so you become'

Monday, 8 February 2016

Envy and how to deal with this

Envy is an emotion of a person when they lack another's possessions.
Envy can burn themselves in their own flame.

Steps to deal envy in others:
1) Discover the best in them and let them know.
2) Ask them to stop comparing with 'others'.
3) Convey them how to be 'Thankful' for what they already having.
4) Explain them greatness of feeling happy in somebody's fortune.
5) Tell them to have a taste of joy in 'giving' to others.

Unfortunately few 'Great Souls'  also will have envy.May God bless them.

In 'Taittiriya Upanishad' told about mutual helping and not to envy on others.
The stanzas says:
OM , May we all be ptotected
May we all be nourished
May we work together with great energy
May our intelect be sharpened and let there be no animosity amongst us.
OM , Peace , Peace , Peace.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Law of Karma

This is called Karma siddhanta.
Whatever we give to the universe is what comes back to us.
All we want is Happiness , Peace , and Love. So , lets give it to the universe for sure we will get it back.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

To be a Guru (Coach , Leader)

You should be:

Stita Prajna (To be established in wisdom)
-If a failure comes they will never disappointed or depressed.
If anyone hurts them they will never feel.
-If they get success they will never be proud.
They will say it's because of 'Team work'.

Samadarshi (Un biased)
They will see all equally.