Sunday, 15 May 2016

How to lead life and to become poorna (Complete).

Human life is the gift of God. Among all the living beings humans are superior’s. Human life is bound by certain duties. One should have un-changeable faith in human endeavour and self restraint (Samyama). We should practice self discipline (Tapasya).

To become poorna (complete):
We all should do four ‘Purusharthas’(Object of human pursuit)  to have complete life.

1) Dharma: In daily life we may do so may actions(karmas) those should be virtuous. We should lead  right way of living and follow cosmic law.
2) Artha: Earning materialistic things and prosperity.
3) Kama: Sensory enjoyment and desire.
4) Moksha: Spiritual liberation and self realization.

“The life span of a man is one hundred years. Dividing that time , he should attend to three aims of life in such a way that they support , rather than hinder each other. In his youth he should attend to profitable aims (Artha) such as learning , in his prime to pleasure(Kama) , and in his old age to Dharma and Moksha.”
-Vatsyayana (Kamasutra).

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Are you highly frustrated soul ?

Are you highly frustrated soul:

For every action there will be reaction but you are overreact at everyone and at everything. This is because you have distressed , annoyed from your inability to change something. You have expected a lot from your life but it has given you half results only. Your sensitive personality couldn’t bear the pain of betrayals .Causes for your frustrations could be many.

Few are.

Causes and reasons for your frustrations:

1) Society has made you as a victim. You have  received abuse and assault from others.
2) You have lost your money and belongings.
3) You got betrayal from close associated.
4) You are constantly worrying about your unresolved issue's.
5) You have many expectations but not happening as per your wish.
6) Many things went wrong with you.
7) You constantly feel  that your life is passing before your eyes with no happy moments.
8) You have lost at many things.
9) Your low self confidence made you as a coward person. So , you couldn’t achieve much.
10) You simply expect everything but do less to have them.
11) You think your fate is not good.

How to overcome overreacting or frustration:

1) Know the root cause of your frustration and eliminate it.
2) ‘Desire’  Causes everything .validate your goals and desires. They should be realistic.
3) What makes you frustrate and make a note and work on it.
4) Forget your bitter and sad things in your life.
5) Forgive the persons that caused your grief.
6) Forgive yourself.
7) Know your ability and accordingly set your goals.
8) Stop dreaming and start doing.
9) Remember your past achievements and feel happy about that.
10) Remove negative thoughts from your brain.
11) Remove negative feelings and experiences from your heart.
12) Say good by to negative and toxic people from your life.
13) What makes you happy make a list and have them in your life.
14) Associate with supportive and kind persons.
15) Do meditation , it reduces your anger and gloomy nature.
16) Watch comedy movies and read comic's .
17) Don’t do multi tasking.
18) Find happiness even at small things.

 Frustration is just your response at certain things. It’s in your control.

“The person who is always involved in good deeds experiences divine happiness.”
-Rig Veda.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Which one will you choose in your life preferables or pleasurables

Which one will you choose in your life preferables or pleasurables :

In life you will have so many options to choose. How you want to live your life is in your hand. A wise one will choose high standards in everything.

 Here I categorized two options   preferables and pleasurables which one will you choose. Let me put it in this way. Assume you have diabetics and you love sweets very much. You knows that eating sweets are not good for your health .Now can you dare(choose) to eat sweets. Choose wisely what is good to you.

Anyone can choose to have pleasurables in their life and many of them will usually do. For an instance you have planned for going to morning walk but when alarm wakes you up you couldn’t  wake-up because you choose to have pleasurable(sleep).

 All pleasurables may give you a short-term ‘benefits’.But a wise soul always choose to have preferables in their life. They may not give you instant ‘pleasure’ but end results gives you abundance happiness.

Differences between preferables and pleasurables.


a) It gives ever lasting benefit’s.
b) Though it may tough in the beginning end results will be fruitful.
c) These are ethically standard.
d) Socially many of them accepted.
e) Needs to put big effort to have these.


a) These are enticements.
b) It gives quick pleasure , in the end you will get regret.
c) Not standards.
d) Socially and spiritually not a acceptable.
e) It will make you fickle minded.
f) You will procrastinate at everything

So,in choosing your options you need to set certain standards.

To set standard preferables:

Have a clarity while choosing .To get clarity ask and evaluate yourself with below points.

1) What I want to be: Get clarity on what you want to be. It should be realistic and achievable.
2) To do list:
In this stage you have an idea of what you want to be. To become ‘that’ or to have that status you need to do certain things.Make a list of those.It should be clear and attainable.
3) What to have :
Now you are going to take action but in order to achieve or become something you should have certain qualities and qualifications. If you don’t have make a list and pursue of those.

“Elevate yourself by your own mind not degrade yourself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul and his enemy as well.”
-Bhagawad gita.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Are you living in the past or living for future?

Are you living in the past or living for future:

If you think you belongs to the former one then you must be kind soul and there is a vulnerability in your heart. You attached to everything in your life. You are not a pessimist nor a self pity person but you are highly sensitive personality. You always wants to do things nicely and perfectly but fate has shown you things you never wanted to have. Regret has become your constant status. You have disappointed over  many things few were beyond your control. Sometimes things not happened as per your wish.

Oh alas , all the above attributes and circumstances made you to live in the past. My dear reader , I know how sorrowful it is to live in the past because I have been there.

Regret is good because:

a) It teaches how the things not to do and how to do.
b) It will become your experience and helps you to become emotionally strong.
c) You will learn to forgive yourself.

Regret is bad because:

a) Constantly blaming yourself.
b) You welcome sadness in  your life.
c) You will have unwanted stress.
d) You will show angry at everything .
e) It destroys your ‘hope’.
f) It gives you feeling of lost and defeated.

Thus how you took is matter.

How to stop living in the past:

Living in the past is your way of thinking or feeling sad about things happened. Try and implement below insights to stop living in the past.

1) Write it down the situation where you felt bad and analyse where you did the wrong.
2) Recognise ‘past’ is over that you can’t change and nothing to do with that. There is a purpose for everything that has happened to you.
3) Learn from your mistakes.
4) Apply new strategy and approaches while doing the things.
5) Be empathetic.
6) Have gratitude in your life.
7) Forgive and forget the people and situations that caused you grief.
8) Forgive yourself.
9) Begin your day with positive thought.
10) Spend with happy and optimistic people. Their positive vibes make you feel happy.
11) Change your attitude into positive at every situation.
12) What makes you feel sad avoid it.
13) Use affirmations in every moment of your life.
14) Identify where do you feel comfortable and happy , live accordingly.
15) Set small tasks and achieve it.Appreciate yourself for those.
16) Say it to yourself “Gatam gataha”(Past is past).

Are you living for future:

If you are living for future possibilities means you are an optimist. You always look for an opportunity .You never lose hope.

Advantages of living for future:

1) You will become an optimist.
2) You will see an opportunity in every task of your life.
3) You will have ray of hope.
4) You will have happiness at all moments in your life.
5) You can support and help who are in distress.
6) You will have enthusiasm in reaching your goals.
7) You can reverse the negativity in your life.

Dear reader ,planning and anticipating for future is great but should not live in the dreamy lands. Validate your anticipations.

Life is alive in the present and the future.

May you all get much happy and good health in your life.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Cleansing of ones own soul.

Cleansing of ones own soul:

When life is going happily , successfully and healthily we will never think of ‘atonement’.

To fulfil our desires and wants we might have used so many ‘tools’. All we wanted was ‘end result’. In the process of acquiring those goals we might have done so many ‘wrong’ things. If we done something negative we will get negative karma in our lives. It can affect in this birth or some other it’s inevitable. Those ‘wrong’  things might have done intentionally or un-intentionally but you have to have its effect. That’s the law of karma.

Sins are committed in three ways.

A) With our mind (Manasika): Think about doing bad deeds and done through mind.

B) With our words(Vachika): Hurting others with harsh words , telling lies.

C) With our body (Kayika): Physical violence

When you want to purify your soul the advantages include:

a) Atonement can help you to become mature , you will learn from your own behaviour.
b) If you start amending your mistakes you can forgive yourself and others.
c) You will have peaceful life.
d) You can learn ‘responsible’ for something.
e) You can feel free from sins.

Ways to purifying or cleansing your soul:

1) Repentance:  Among all cleansing ways repentance or sincere regret is the best and the greatest.Holeheartedly feel sorry about your ‘wrong’ things it will relieve you from your guilt.

2) Acceptance of your mistakes: If you do something wrong knowingly or un-knowingly accept it and take responsibility.

3) Yogic breath (Pranayama): Practice pranayama in the early morning hours.

4) Austerity (Tapas): Connect your soul with supreme power. For doing this you no need to go to the forest. Create a peaceful of mind and do it wherever you are.

5) Sacrifice into fire (Homa): If you do direct ‘Homa’ for your well being is good. Alternative is lit a lamp (Deepa) in your home itself and pray to almighty.

6) Vedic mantra (Japa): If you got the mantra from your teacher (Guru) recite it.If you don’t have the mantra praise the Lord (Nama sankeertana).

7) Give charity or gifts (Dana) : Give it to whom ? Charity to the needy and gift (Dana) to the qualified soul.

While giving never think how great you are and how ‘big’ you are offering. Give it with kind and humble nature. This should not tell everyone as an advertisement.

If you don’t have something to give it others do service or give gifts (Dana) with your mind (Manasika).

8) Do fasting (Upavasa) : Fasting means not only without eating but to be ‘nearer with Him’.

9) Go on pilgrimage (Teertha yatra): Visit holy and spiritual places.

My dear reader , while observing the above do it sincerely .You are responsible to your conscience only.

“ O  Varuna , whatever the offence may be which we as men commit against the heavenly host , when through our want of thought we violate your laws , punish us not , O God for that iniquity.”
-Rig Veda.


Sunday, 10 April 2016

How do i know 'what i want'.

How do I know ‘what I want’

We all live with full of wants and desires.Our want itself a motivational factor. Some times we get confusion and want to have some insights to know ‘what we want’.
Yourself can find this. Let’s see how.
Un-happiness is common in human life. When we get this..
a) when we have failures.
b) When we get disappointments.
c) When we get frustrations.

If you are clearly remember your failures and disappointments means still you are carrying ‘those’ in your heart. You want to have those in your life as accomplishments.
You will come to know what you want from below points.

1) From your failures: List out your major failures that are still burning in your heart.

Something you have failured means reasons should be..
a) You did a mistake.
b) You had an un-certainty .
c) Lack of knowledge.
d) Due to your negligence.

This time you will know how not to do these mistakes.

2) From your disappointments: List out your disappointments. When we didn’t get complete results we will get disappointment. This time get all the potentialities to achieve complete success.

From the above point you will distinctly know what you want. I named it as ‘historical method’.

3) From your frustrations: when we anticipate something and if it didn’t happen we get frustration.

Before anticipating something you should ‘validate’ your wants or desires. If it’s not reliable or achievable better to drop it before it brings sadness in your peaceful life.

4) From ‘what makes you happy’ or ‘from your passion’: Everyone has their own way to have happiness in their life. What’s your passion. Go and have them in your life.
5)  From your strengths: What’s your strengths list it and use it in achieving your goals or wants.
6) From your views on ‘life’: What’s your personal opinion or views on life. Even if it is not accepted by many no problem it’s your life.
7) From your life purpose: First know it and have a blessed life.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Are you being lonely or being alone ?

Are you being lonely or being alone

There is big difference between being lonely and being alone.Let’s see.
Being lonely or feeling lonely:
Even if you are in crowd you feel isolated and abandoned. It’s very unhappy state of mind.Unfortunately many of them are experiencing this.
Among many reasons few of them includes :
1) When your expectations are not met.
2) You think you are not lucky.
3) You always says to yourself with grief ‘why me’ .
4) You think no one ‘likes’ you.
5) You are constantly looking for love and affection.
6) You are blaming and doing self criticism.

Like many..

With these reasons and situations you feel isolated with the hole world.You always feel restless.You through yourself into self pity.

To deal with this try and implement below followings:

1) Recognise feeling lonely is just a state of mind.
2) Say to yourself “I am there for myself”.
3) Feel happy about your existence in this world.
4) Love yourself.
5) Spend your time with ‘you’ and listen what is the ‘cause’ for your being loneliness.
6) Like and listen  the music.
7) Appreciate yourself for your achievements.
8) Love the nature beauty.
9) Make the friendship with book's.
10) Practice ‘self parenting’.
11) If you are spiritual do prayers.

Being alone:

Enjoying solitude is an art.All wisdom people will have this gifted quality.

How to make best use of your ‘alone’ status:

1) To refresh your mind and body.
2) To think for ‘find’ a way to your problem.
3) To know who you are (wisdom starts from here)
4) It helps to improve your patience and understanding ability.
5) To have the ways to control your life issues.
6) To find your happiness.
7) To find your life purpose.
8) To get empowerment.

My dear reader , whatever your state of mind happiness should be your final destination.May you all have a happy life.